Secrets of My Diary: #1. What is Perfection?

Don't you try to be Perfect in whatever you do? Somewhere down the line, we all, some way or the other, are trying with all of our might to attain Perfection. But, the reason why no one has ever achieved perfection is: it's a moving target.

Secrets of My Diary: #8. ~I Still Care~d

I once cared. I once cared about my hankie being of adequate dimensions to gradually fit in my trouser's right scoop with a little portion of it tilting outwards. I authentically used to iron it pressing hard upon every fold to reduce its thickness so that every time I'd take it out on a sneeze... Continue Reading →

Finding Verities: #2. What is Namaz(Salah)?

Salah is an invocation and submission to: Allah (Sub'haa_nahu Wa Ta_aa'la means May he be glorified and exalted"). Salah is a method to purify oneself of the sins one commits. Salah is bowing low before Allah(S.W.T.) so that one should not be proud of his stature because of the worldly affairs. Salah is devoting oneself... Continue Reading →

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