Secrets of My Diary: #21 ~One reason: One God~

There’s only one reason why people are Sad and not amicable at heart in this world.
There’s only one reason why people don’t get what they Desire in this world.
There’s only one reason why one Loses when one wants to win in this world.
There’s only one reason why one Cannot achieve everything one wants to in this world.
There’s only one reason why at the end one has to Leave this world which one designed entire life to stratify it for one’s external pleasures and lures.
And that is: this world does not deserve the presence of a human being upon it.
This little piece of world which is even 13 lakhs times smaller than that one sun that constitutes our solar system; which is further thousands of times smaller than the zillions and the zillions and the zillions of the stars we see at night, can’t fulfil even one human being’s desires.
How can the desires of around 8 billion people be fulfilled in such a small place then?
A Human Being is the best of God’s creations in all the worlds one can imagine.
A Human Being can’t be so ordinary that he has to live with what he gets and not with what he wants.
A Human Being deserves no less than Jannah-‘The Paradise’; because God has created man with His own hands.


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